September 13, 2003 |
sometimes enjoy being in the woods during rain showers. The sound
of the rain falling all around me is so special!
Recently I was in the woods sitting under some pine trees. Then the
wind blew and a shower of pine needles fell all around me - and on
me. What a beautiful, gentle sound! And the reddish color of the pine
needles was so pretty!
I stayed in that same spot for a while, and each time the wind blew,
another shower of pine needles came down. I could hardly tear myself
away to come home. |
September 11, 2003 |
I was out walking today, I spotted a Red
Admiral near an open field.
This butterfly migrates southward when the weather begins to get cold
- usually sometime in |
or October. |
September 9, 2003 |
barred owl has been quite vocal lately.
It was calling last night for a period of more than an hour. At first
it was making its "hoo-hoo-hoohoo, hoo-hoo-hoohoo" calls.
Then later I heard some of the "hoo-aw" calls.
I'd heard very little from this owl for a long period of time - until
about a week ago. I'm guessing that it was being quiet during the
nesting period and while the fledglings were still unable to fend
for themselves. |
September 7, 2003 |
I was out watching Mars
through my telescope the other night, I heard the coyotes
yipping on the next ridge. Haven't heard them for a while.
However, the coyotes didn't hold my attention for long. Mars was my
prime interest, though I did get a good look at the moon
and its craters also. |
credit NASA/JPL |
September 5, 2003
leaves on the red maples are turning color - and also a few on the
sugar maples. The sumac leaves are changing to a pretty red.
I wonder if the cool nights we've been having lately will make for
a nice foliage season - though it may be too early to have an effect.
Well, as someone once told me, the only time you know how colorful
the foliage season will be is after it's over! |
September 3, 2003 |
yesterday afternoon, I heard some Canada
geese flying south. It's the first flock that's come by this year.
Many other aquatic birds start their migration around this time, including
the common loon, double-crested
cormorant, and great blue heron.
Shorebirds, such as the sanderling
and |
are also beginning
their journey south. |
September 1, 2003 |
chipmunks have been pretty quiet
for the past couple of months. But lately, they've been getting more
vocal. I've been hearing my favorite "chuck, chuck, chuck"
sound and also the high-pitched squeaking sounds chipmunks make during
territorial skirmishes. |
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