heard the beautiful song of a wood thrush near the house this afternoon.
And there are so many other things that I'd like to tell you about.
However, my nature writing has come to an end for now. I look forward
to the time when I can begin again. |
July 22, 2004 |
birds are quieting down now that we're into
the summer. Still hear some birds in the mornings, but there's not
too much singing in the afternoons - especially on hot days.
My "local" doe and her fawn(s) are being pretty secretive
this year. Spotted the doe yesterday for a few moments, but that was
the first time since July 5th.
Over the past few weeks, I've been seeing the tracks and scat of a
red fox. No sightings, though. |
July 18, 2004 |
Yellow Wood-Sorrel, the Common Cattail, and one species of goldenrod
have started blooming.
Wildflowers that are still in bloom include the Common Milkweed (see
photo), Oxeye Daisy, Yarrow, Purple-flowering Raspberry, Black- |
Susan, Common Cinquefoil,
Red Clover, and White Clover. |
July 14, 2004 |
afternoon, I was hearing the begging calls of young barred owls. My
guess is that they were already flying on their own, since the sounds
came from different trees. A little later, some blue jays started
making alarm calls. It stopped for a while, then started again in
I looked out the window and saw an adult barred
owl flying away from the general area where I'd seen it last Thursday.
It was pursued by about 5 or 6 blue jays.
There might have been other birds in there, but they flew by in a
blur and all I heard was "jay, jay, jay,..."
This time the barred owl was clutching something that looked larger
than what it had found during the last successful foraging trip I
had witnessed. Based on the fact that the blue jays were the main
(or only) birds in pursuit, I'd have to suspect that it was a nestling
or fledgling blue jay.
Some time later, I again heard the begging calls of fledging barred
owls. Guess that meal didn't satisfy them for long! |
July 10, 2004 |
was woken up early this morning by the song of a hermit
thrush. They have such a beautiful, ethereal song! I often hear
this bird in the deeper woods, but rarely see or hear it near the
went back to sleep and woke up a
little while later to the song of a phoebe.
Other birds were singing by that time, but
the phoebe was playing the role of the soloist. |
July 7, 2004 |
seen a couple of wild turkeys recently
- on separate occasions. They hadn't been around for a while. At
least one of them was a female, but with no brood in tow.
Yesterday, I spotted my first ruby-throated
hummingbird of the year. They've been in the area, I just hadn't
seen one yet. Today, a ruffed grouse flew across my path. It seemed
smallish, so it might have been a juvenile.
And I continue to see the tracks of my "local doe" and
her fawn. On Monday, I unintentionally startled the doe while I
was out walking. She fled, making a lot of noise - which makes me
wonder if she was with one of her fawns. The doe will often try
to draw attention to herself this way, in order to distract a potential
predator from the fawn's hiding place.
July 4, 2004 |
I was walking though a small grassy area in the woods, when suddenly
a bird flew up out of the grass at my feet. It was a Veery
and it was fast! I might have stepped right on that little bird if
it hadn't flown.
looked down and saw a small nest concealed in the grass. It was lined
what looked like thin strips of bark and held 4 bluish eggs.
After taking a few moments to observe the nest, I moved away.
If I can find a way to go back without disturbing the Veery, I'd love
to see the nestlings when they hatch. Maybe I can find a spot at a
distance where I can watch without being noticed. |
July 1, 2004 |
days ago, I heard alarm calls from some woodpeckers nearby. By the
calls, I'd guess they were hairy woodpeckers.
I looked outside, but couldn't see what was going on. After a while,
a barred owl suddenly burst out from
behind some leaves. Carrying something small that I assume was a
nestling woodpecker, it flew over the house and out of sight. The
alarm calls stopped right after that.
This afternoon, the woodpeckers started making alarm calls again.
As I went to the window, I saw a barred owl fly by the house with
about five or six birds in pursuit. I couldn't identify the birds,
but I know that at least two were woodpeckers because they were
calling all the while. This time the owl was empty-handed.
After it flew a short ways, the owl stopped on a branch. But the
birds continued to harass it until it finally flew out of sight.
Today I saw the tracks of a fawn. I've been looking for those tracks
for a while, since I had assumed that my "local doe" had
given birth by this time. Hope I get a chance to see her fawn (or
fawns). I think this is the second or third year this particular
doe has been in the area, so she probably had more than one fawn
this year.
June 28, 2004 |
is the time of the year when we begin to see adult birds with their
fledglings. A few mornings ago, I saw several young white-breasted
nuthatches on the trunk of a tree outside my window. Their parents
must have been close by, but I didn't catch sight of them.
And the adult and juvenile robins
have been busily feeding on the ground. The young |
can be identified by the spots on their breast.
Over the past few weeks, more wildflowers have blooming including
the Purple-flowering Raspberry and the Black-eyed Susan. The flowers
just started opening yesterday on the Common Milkweed. |
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