Length: 38 - 52"
Breeding Habitat: Marshes, swamps, tidal flats, shallow coastal bays; shores of ponds, lakes, and rivers. Prefers habitat that includes tall trees for nesting.
Diet: Mostly fish; also frogs, salamanders, lizards, crayfish, snakes, crustaceans, aquatic and terrestrial insects. Some small birds and small mammals (such as rodents).
Great Blue Heron
(Credit: U. S. Geological Survey)
Breeding Bird Survey Map,
(Image credit: USGS)
Range in New England
The Great Blue Heron can be found throughout the year in New England.
Some Great Blues that breed in this region move further south in the winter and return in the spring. Others remain through the winter, mainly along the coast or where there is open freshwater inland.
Winter Map from eBird
Sightings of the Great Blue Heron from
Dec-Jan over past 10 years
Christmas Bird Count Map
Historical CBC Map from USGS