December 26, 2003 |
group of nine wild turkeys walked
by the house this morning. I only noticed one that had a beard. The
others must have been females or juvenile males. In the winter, adult
males will sometimes join a family group consisting of a female |
her juvenile offspring.
There was a flock of about 20 evening
grosbeaks below my feeder yesterday. This was their first visit
since I originally saw them on the 14th.
A couple of days ago, the first juncos
of the year put in an appearance. They were eating weed seeds from
the ground near the house. There were a lot of other birds under the
feeder, so perhaps they were waiting their turn.
The common redpolls have been visiting
the feeder almost every day since I first saw them on the 14th. |
December 24, 2003 |
haven't seen any wild turkeys for
a long time. But today I saw some turkey tracks. Quite a few of them.
My neighbors have been seeing ruffed
grouse fairly frequently over the past week or two. But no sign
of them in my area.
I just watched two deer walking
through the snow behind my house. We're having rainy, foggy weather
- so I couldn't see them very clearly. One deer was noticeably smaller
than the other, so I suspect it was a doe and her grown fawn. |
December 21, 2003 |
heard the barred owl calling again
a couple of nights ago.
When I was out walking today, I noticed a lot of deer
tracks in the snow. So I guess they're out and about again. |

I also saw the tracks of the red fox.
Some tracks were direct-registering (where
the hind foot falls directly in the track of the
front foot). This is the red fox's walking pattern. Other tracks were
in the 2-2 pattern that is seen when a fox is trotting. |
December 18, 2003 |
the early mornings, I've been hearing the nasal "nyah, nyah,
nyah, nyah..." call of the red-breasted
nuthatch. This little bird is one of my favorites.
This afternoon, I saw two ravens
flying above the treetops. They were alternately flapping their wings
and soaring. Ravens can be distinguished from crows by their heavy
bills. Also, crows don't soar.
At first, these two ravens were making hoarse "kraaah" calls
and then later I heard their "kolp, kolp" calls. |
December 16, 2003 |
been seeing more common redpolls
at my feeder. Yesterday, there was a flock of about 20-25.
During Sunday and Monday, we had another
14 inches of snow. When I was out walking today, I didn't see
any deer tracks. They must be
in the more sheltered areas now. With the
snow being so deep, it makes travel a lot harder
for the deer.
I did see a lot of squirrel tracks, mice tracks, and the tracks of
an unidentified medium-sized bird. |
December 14, 2003 |
a flock of about 10 evening grosbeaks
visited my feeder. First there was just one, calling "peeer,
peeer" from the top of the feeder pole. Then about fifteen minutes
later, the whole flock arrived.
A smaller flock of common redpolls
also stopped by. Both groups were mostly feeding on the ground below
the birdfeeders.
In the past, I've rarely seen either of these species at the feeder
- and then only one or two birds at a time. So this was a pleasant
surprise! |
December 12, 2003 |
October of last year, I noticed this bird's
nest. I watched it over the next 10 months or so - to see if another
bird or any other little creature would make use of it. There weren't
any signs of anything happening during that time, so I stopped watching
Today, I saw the remains of this nest hanging from a branch. I suspect
that the |
was brought down by the high winds we were having a while back. |
December 9, 2003 |
I put
my birdfeeders out a couple of days ago. So far, I've been seeing
chickadees, white-breasted
nuthatches, red-breasted nuthatches, goldfinches, and blue jays.
It's been very interesting to watch each bird interact with other
members of its own species. And also to watch one species interact
with other species - for example, the chickadees with the blue jays.
Those little chickadees are the first ones back after the blue jays
fly from the feeders to a nearby tree. And when a blue jay is on
one feeder, the chickadees fly up, down, around, and in circles
in an effort to find a spot on a nearby feeder where they can feel
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