September 6, 2002 |
been having some nice cool, crisp days lately - more like fall weather.
The view of the mountains has been clear and very pretty in the mornings. |
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September 7, 2002 |
seeing the wild turkeys almost every
day now. It looks like there are two hens and 4 or 5 juveniles - but
I may not have seen them all. The juveniles are pretty small for this
time of year. Usually, by this time, the young ones are almost the
same size as their mother.
In past years, I've only seen groups with a single hen and 9 to 13
young ones. Maybe a fox got some of the chicks this year? |
September 8, 2002 |
been hearing the barred owls quite
a bit over the past 5 days or so. Mostly during the night.
On one recent night, there were two barred owls near the house calling
to each other with monkey-like sounds -- |
combination of the "monkey call" |
© Mike Danzenbaker |
"wail" that can be heard here. |
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September 9, 2002 |
sound of the snowy tree crickets was beautiful last night. The temperature
was about 60 degrees and the crickets sounded like tiny sleigh bells
Check out these
sounds. Something between the "warm song" and the
"cool song" is what they sounded like last night - except
imagine hundreds (thousands?) of them at the same time.
September 10, 2002 |
few leaves on some trees began changing color around the first of
the month, which is earlier than usual.
A very few entire trees are showing their fall foliage - like this
one I took a picture of today. |
September 11, 2002 |
morning I saw some spots where the whitetail
deer have been bedding down in the weeds and brambles - about
20 feet to the south of the house. I saw one larger bed and two smaller
I assume the larger bedding spot is from the doe that I often see
around my house. And the smaller ones could either be from two fawns
- or from the same fawn bedding on two separate occasions. The doe
is fairly young, so that makes me think she might have only one fawn.
Could be wrong, though. |
September 12, 2002 |

The New England Asters are blooming. They are so beautiful! I love
the deep purple color of this wildflower!
The lance-leaved goldenrod, the zigzag goldenrod, and the white wood
asters are also still blooming, along with a few remaining red clovers. |
www.arttoday.com |
to enlarge |
September 13, 2002 |
a moose to the north of my house late yesterday
afternoon. That was really exciting! I watched it for a while from
my back steps - it was about 75 feet away. Then it moved out of sight,
although I could still hear it crashing around in the underbrush.
I drove down the driveway and got a closer look at it (hoping to get
a photo). Then decided that it might not be good idea to get quite
so close. This is the beginning of rutting season for the moose, so
they are traveling outside their usual areas in search of mates.
Although normally docile, the bull moose can be unpredictable and
even aggressive during the rut. Here's some information
about how to avoid confrontations with moose. |
September 14, 2002 |
recently heard a catbird and a cardinal
down near the field. Then I spotted them in a nearby staghorn sumac
tree with ripened fruit.
The cardinal would flick its tail and call "chip, chip, chip...".
Then the catbird would flick ITS tail and do its cat-like call. Back
and forth they went.
I can only guess that the conversation had something to do with who
had first dibs on the sumac fruit. |
September 15, 2002 |
a great website with photos of birds' eggs. Try this
page for bird families found in Alberta, Canada (you will see
many New England birds on this list). Click any egg to see a photo
of the bird and read about the color, size, and shape of the egg.
Or try this
page for eggs from birds all over the word. Great photos! |
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