August 2, 2003 |
some Black Swallowtails down
near the river. I don't see them in the wooded area around my house.
They prefer more open areas.
The adult butterflies feed on nectar, especially that of clover, milkweed,
thistle. They also gather at the
edges of rivers and lakes to feed on the
minerals in the sandy mud. |
July 31, 2003 |
general, the birds near the house seem to have quieted down for the
summer. I rarely hear warblers these
However, the crows have been much
more vocal over the past three weeks or so. And I hear a phoebe
singing near the house most evenings. Sometimes the song of a wood
thrush can be heard in the distance. |
July 29, 2003 |
a family of blue jays today. I couldn't
tell how many fledglings there were but it looked like there might
be four or five - and sounded like a lot more!
The young ones were almost as large as the adults, but they were
still making loud begging-type sounds. I assume they were hoping
to have some food delivered from their parents to supplement what
able to gather themselves. |
July 27, 2003 |
I've been seeing a whitetail buck
near the house on almost a daily basis. It's the same one that I saw
a couple of weeks ago. I recognize this buck because it has one antler
that's much longer than the other.
I haven't seen much sign lately of the doe and fawn whose tracks I'd
been seeing. Just one glimpse of the doe about 3 or 4 days ago. She
was down in the clearing below the house at the same time the buck
was up here next to the house. |
July 25, 2003 |
a mushroom I found growing on a tree stump. I believe this is an Artist's
Conk - a common mushroom in New England.
This fungus grows on living trees, stumps, and logs. Its surface has
a tough, woody texture and the |
is completely white. |
July 23, 2003 |
been seeing the red fox's scat along
the driveway lately. Haven't seen the fox itself at all this year,
though. One of my neighbors heard its territorial call several weeks
The adult foxes are busy now with their young. The pups venture
out of the den by the time they are 4 to 6 weeks old and are weaned
when they are between two and three months old. Over the course
of the summer they will learn to hunt by themselves and, at the
age of about six months, they will be fully grown.
July 21, 2003 |
found this pretty little wildflower in the woods recently. It's an
Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) and was growing in its favorite
habitat - near a rocky ledge. I also found some Spotted Wintergreen
(Chimaphila maculata) not too far away.
Red Raspberries have been ripening
over the past week - much to the delight of
the birds. The Purple-flowering Raspberries are
forming but won't ripen for a while yet. |
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