April 9, 2004 |
I heard my first phoebe singing
its spring song. The coltsfoot, whose flower somewhat resembles a
dandelion, has started to bloom.
Also saw the first Mourning
Cloak butterflies of the year and my first Compton Tortoiseshell
ever (95% sure on this one). Along with the other physical characteristics,
I think the white patches on its wings make for almost a positive
identification, but I could be wrong.
Today, as I was walking, I heard the whirring of wings and looked
to see a ruffed grouse flying away.
I often see them in that particular area around this time of year.
I think it could be a nesting site.
And, contrary to yesterday, the Mourning Cloaks were no longer flying
today. I saw one on the ground (with its wings closed) and tried to
get close enough to get a photo. I realized that it was unaware of
me - it didn't fly no matter how close I got.
I saw another one a little further along, sitting absolutely still
like the first. I think maybe the cooler weather made them go into
a temporary state of dormancy or hibernation. |
April 6, 2004 |
are the chipmunks? They came out of their dens briefly during a warm
spell at the end of February, but I haven't seen or heard a single
one since then - not near the house or in the woods.
had some very warm weather
in the past few weeks (except the last
couple of days), so I expected they'd be
out and about by now. I miss 'em.
Today I saw a golden-crowned kinglet flitting around in a tree, a
tufted titmouse foraging on the ground, and a flock of juncos gathering
grit (or something...) from my driveway. |
April 3, 2004 |
I heard a great blue heron flying
by - maybe heading to a pond about 5 miles further north. A couple
of years ago, some people who live on that pond said they'd seen a
great blue heron arrive on the same day that I saw one flying north
from here.
The deer have been around quite a bit lately. My "local"
doe and her yearling are looking a little thin. The buck who I've
been seeing near the house is looking better nourished.
Nutritionally, this is the hardest time of year for the deer. They've
used up their winter reserves of fat and are eagerly seeking out green
vegetation such as grasses and evergreen ferns. They also relish acorns
and beechnuts remaining from last fall. |
March 31, 2004 |
evening, I saw the American woodcock's
courtship display for the first time. I followed the sound of the
"peenting" until I located the field that the woodcock was
in. At first, I could hear "peent" calls and hear the whistling
of its |
but couldn't see the bird itself.
I managed to maneuver myself into the middle of the area where it
was displaying. Then I got some good looks at take-offs and landings.
It would launch into the air at about a 45-degree angle to the ground.
As it flew upward, I would lose sight of it - partly due to the oncoming
darkness and partly due to the distance.
Then I'd hear the whistling of its wings as it circled around. For
a brief period before it landed, the woodcock made a series of chirping
At one point, it landed about 10 feet from me. Then I noticed for
the first time that it makes a kind of gurgling sound before each
"peent" call.
Needless to say, I was excited to have this opportunity to see some
parts of the woodcock's courtship flight. Hopefully, I'll get a better
look the next time. |
March 28, 2004 |
I heard
some geese fly by the other night. And yesterday a flock went by
during the day. With this warmer weather, the pace may pick up a
Yesterday, I heard the "peenting" of an American
woodcock during the early afternoon. Later, just before dusk,
I heard two woodcocks "peenting." They seemed to be calling
back and forth.
It might have been two males declaring their territory. My sources
say that females also occasionally use the "peent" call,
so it could have been a male and female.
March 25, 2004 |
noticed that the deer are beginning to travel in larger groups now.
I saw a group of six deer yesterday - including the deer in this photo.
After looking at some close-ups of this deer's head, I think that
it's a |
- probably the same buck that I've been seeing near the house throughout
the winter.
And today I came across a flock of about 8 bluebirds feeding on some
sumac fruit. What a pretty sight! |
March 22, 2004 |
was out for a walk today and suddenly a robin
flew out of a sumac tree right next to me. I looked over and saw a
whole flock of robins feeding on the sumac fruit. Of course, as soon
as I turned my head, they all flew away.
Surprisingly, as I stood there, a couple of robins came back and started
warily feeding again. Now that there's snow on the ground again, the
robins have to depend on fruit to sustain them. Fortunately, the sumacs
still have quite a bit of fruit left on them from last summer. |
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