January 19, 2003 |
was a full moon last night and the sky was clear. Felt like I could
see almost as well as in daylight. And the shadows of the trees were
so beautiful against the snow.
Sometimes I go out for a walk on these moonlit nights. Everything
looks so different - so special.
It's been clear on and off again tonight. But, with the temperature
almost down to zero, I don't think I'll be going outside. |
January 18, 2003 |
a stand of paper birch trees I see on one of my regular walks. These
trees are young ones - not sure exactly how old they are.
The paper birch tree has shallow roots, with most roots being in the
first 2 feet of soil. It has no tap root.
As mentioned earlier this month, the seeds of this tree are eaten
by certain songbirds, |
the common redpoll and the
pine siskin.
Also, in the winter, the ruffed grouse
will feed on the
buds and catkins. |
January 17, 2003 |
having seen any wild turkeys - or
their tracks - for a long time, I got to wondering what they do
when it's very cold and the snow gets deep.
I learned that, in weather like this, turkeys tend to stay on south-facing
slopes and in areas where there are springs - or other water sources.
They can roost for a week or longer without feeding. Living off
their existing fat, they limit movement to conserve energy.
If the snow cover is a foot or less and without a heavy crust, the
wild turkey can scratch through it to find acorns and other food.
When the snow gets very deep, they may seek out areas where the
deer have already pawed through the snow.
They also look for leftover grain in farm fields. If that is not
available, then there is a real risk that they may not survive through
a long period of severe weather.
January 16, 2003 |
been sky-watching, as usual. We've been having a little more sun and
blue sky lately, but it's been very cold - both during the day and
at night. Was down to 2 degrees above zero last night.
The birds have been a little more |
at the feeders in the last
couple of days. Sometimes I notice this
when there's a storm coming. But it might just be that
they need the extra energy because it's so cold right now. |
January 15, 2003 |
seen any juncos or sparrows
for the past month or so. A neighbor mentioned that she saw a junco
- only one - a couple of days ago.
Have still been seeing the deer
quite often, though. And their tracks seem to be everywhere.
were two deer near the house this morning. I think it's the same
doe that I was seeing a lot of during the summer - along with her
fawn. The fawn is quite large now, but clearly smaller than the
January 14, 2003 |
believe that this is a climbing bittersweet, a vine that climbs on
trees and shrubs. This particular one is on a white pine tree - and
too high for me to be positive on the identification.
the spring, it has small greenish
flowers. In the fall, it matures and the pods
open up to show these scarlet seeds. |
January 13, 2003 |
an interesting
article from Birder's World magazine. It tells about the different
types of bird feathers and explains the shape, structure, and purpose
of each type.
It also describes the various bristles that are found on some birds
- for example, the bristles that flycatchers have around their mouths. |
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