August 30, 2003 |
this red-tailed hawk feather in
the woods. This feather is from the inner part of the tail.
Red-tails have a complete molt once a year. The molt begins after
the fledglings have left the nest and continues into the fall.
Immature red-tailed hawks have a grayish- |
tail. They don't get their red tail
until the fall of their second year. |
August 28, 2003 |
a "hummingbird moth" the other day. They're a lot of fun
to watch! It was a Slender
Clearwing (Hemaris gracilis).
About a week ago, one of my neighbors saw a hummingbird moth that
fit the same description. I didn't know this species was found in
Vermont. |
August 26, 2003 |
up to this peaceful scene this morning - with the fog looking like
a river of white and the tops of the mountains showing above it. |
August 24, 2003 |
like the sound of the snowy tree crickets is getting louder every
night. They sound so beautiful! Their rate of their chirping depends
on the temperature; the warmer it is, the faster they chirp.
If you count the number of times they chirp in 15 seconds and then
add 40 to that, you'll get the approximate temperature in Fahrenheit.
Here's a
website where you can listen to their "songs" at different
August 22, 2003 |
still hearing the song of the
Eastern Phoebe in the mornings
and also sometimes in the evenings. While having breakfast, I often
see one flycatching from a tree near the house.
Phoebes molt during the months of August and September. Some begin
their southward migration around the end of September and others wait
until |
October. |
August 20, 2003 |
5 male turkeys a couple of days ago.
I could tell that four of them were fairly young since they had short
beards. There was one older turkey with a much longer beard. After
breeding season is over, the male turkeys tend to travel and forage
in small groups. |
August 18, 2003 |
I've been seeing a lot of Indian Pipes (Monotropa uniflora).
As the blossoms on this plant ripen, the heads turn upward. And as
the plant ages, its color turns to black.
Indian Pipes don't use chlorophyl; instead they receive their |
from decaying organic
It is believed that these plants have a symbiotic relationship with
certain fungi, which break down the nutrients so they are available
to the Indian Pipes. And, since these plants don't need chlorophyl,
they can grow in very shady spots. |
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