May 11, 2003 |
I've been seeing two whitetail does in the general vicinity of the
house. The larger groups of deer
broke up quite a while ago. I think the does I'm seeing now are
a mother and her yearling daughter.
When the older doe is ready to have her fawn(s), she will no longer
tolerate the presence of any other deer - not even her daughter.
May 10, 2003 |
bluets are blooming. This wildflower can be found in fields, meadows,
and open woods.
oak trees, beech trees, and red maples are leafing out. The leaves
from last fall remained on the young
beech trees until a few days after
the new leaves began to open. |
May 9, 2003 |
wood thrush sang a beautiful song
yesterday evening just outside my back door. Ah, spring!
There were lots of warblers singing
early this morning. The wild turkeys were also gobbling. And the chipmunks
were adding their "chuck, chuck, chuck..." to the symphony. |
May 8, 2003 |
monarch butterflies are just beginning to reach southern New England.
Here's an interesting
article that covers the monarch's life cycle, migration, and conservation
issues. |
May 7, 2003 |
been watching a pair of hairy woodpeckers
excavating a nest hole in a black cherry tree near the house. It's
the same cavity that I've seen both a hairy woodpecker and downy woodpecker
investigating previously. Guess it was the hairy woodpecker's hole.
I now hear a continuous pecking from the black cherry tree in the
mornings as the nest cavity is enlarged. I also hear pecking on and
off during the day. I've twice seen the female resting in the hole
with just her head and beak visible.
A couple of days ago, I saw the female preening and then foraging
on a maple tree near the cherry tree. After a while, a chipmunk gave
an alarm call. Immediately, the female flew to the nest cavity. |
May 6, 2003 |
red trilliums are blooming, along with the early saxifrage. The
red trillium (Trillium erectum) is also known as the wake-robin,
birthroot, or purple trillium.
Many species of ferns, including the maidenhair fern, are unfurling
their fronds.
May 5, 2003 |
morning I saw two male pileated
woodpeckers having a territorial encounter.
Both woodpeckers were on different sides of the same tree. They were
waving their bills from side to side in an aggressive manner. I could
hear rhythmic clicking sounds as the woodpeckers' bills met - first
on one side of the tree and then on the other.
After a while, they would move to a new section of the tree and repeat
the same behavior. I watched for about ten minutes and then saw them
both fly away. |
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