May 21, 2004 |
I noticed a robin searching for
materials for its nest. It seemed to mostly be gathering grasses.
At one point it picked up what looked like a small crumpled-up leaf,
but then put it down. Another time, it picked up a vine-like plant
and put that down also.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
butterflies seem to be everywhere. They've been flying for about
a week now. Sometimes I see them in pairs and sometimes singly.
Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea), Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium
angustifolium, I think...), and some early asters are blooming.
The asters are a light lavender color, but am not sure which species
they are.
May 18, 2004 |
a recent photo of the mountains in the late afternoon.
The setting sun gives the mountain in the foreground a beautiful purplish
red glow.
Over the past few days, a wood thrush
has been singing near the |
I so enjoy this bird's song! Last
spring and summer was the first year in a long
time that I didn't have the company of a wood
thrush close to the house.
The summer before last, I saw that year's "local" wood thrush
sitting on its nest. But during the next winter, the branch where
the nest was located blew down. And the following spring was the year
of the "missing thrush." So I'm very pleased to again hear
a wood thrush singing nearby. |
May 15, 2004 |
afternoon, I heard the calls of two indigo
buntings. I spotted a male bunting close to the ground in a brushy
area. Although I could tell it was close by, I couldn't locate the
other bunting - which I presume was a female.
Have been hearing the song of the veery
over the last few days. And there are more warblers singing now than
I can keep track of!
The Common Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) and Common Cinquefoil
(Potentilla simplex) have just begun to bloom. The wind has
been blowing the seeds of the Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
off their stems. Almost looks like swirling snow! |
May 12, 2004 |
rose-breasted grosbeaks
arrived four or five days ago. There's one near my house and it's
been singing from dawn until dusk. It sings in one spot for a while,
then moves a little closer - or a little further away - and sings
some |
It seems to stay within about an acre.
Today, I spotted what was either a Spring
Azure or Eastern-tailed Blue
butterfly. It flew by too quickly for me to get a good look.
Also saw an Eight-spotted Forester moth, a common moth in New England.
It can be mistaken for a butterfly because it flies during the day
and looks more like a butterfly than a moth - well, to me anyway. |
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