February 27, 2004 |
have been pretty quiet during the last few days. The deer haven't
been around and I haven't seen the wild
turkeys - or their tracks - in a long time.
Seeing the usual birds at the feeder: black-capped chickadees, red-breasted
nuthatches, white-breasted nuthatches, and tufted titmice.
There are a couple of goldfinches
that visit the feeder, but the usual flock of 25 or 30 has been
absent for the past month or so. I haven't seen any redpolls
since then either.
February 24, 2004 |
saw a bird today that was behaving differently than the birds I normally
see in this area. It was fluttering its wings a lot and flitting about
more than the other birds.
Then I remembered that this is how the golden-crowned
kinglet behaves. Got out the binoculars and took a look. |
enough, that's what it was.
I saw one last year during the winter, also.
But I think it only stayed around for a couple of days. |
February 21, 2004 |
the past 6 weeks or so, I've been hearing a sound in the woods that
I hadn't been able to identify. It's a very loud, startling sound
- kind of a yowling sound. I just hear it once or twice in a row,
then not any more that night.
After seeing a bobcat the other day, I'm now thinking that this probably
is the animal that I've been hearing. The sound is cat-like, but much
too loud to be a house cat. Not realizing that there were any wild
cats in the immediate area, it hadn't occurred to me that it could
be a bobcat.
This is the mating season for the bobcat, which is when more yowling
is apt to be heard. |
February 18, 2004 |
the past week or so, the tufted titmouse
has become increasingly vocal. In the early mornings, I hear its "peer,
peer, peer" call.
The deer have not been around much lately - until today when I saw
two of them browsing behind the house. There's a crust on the snow
now, which makes travel
more difficult for the deer. |
February 15, 2004 |
I saw what I think was a bobcat - a first
for me. My viewing opportunity lasted less than ten seconds, so I
can't be certain.
When I first saw it, I knew it was a different animal than I'd seen
around here before. (People have seen bobcats further up the mountain
where rabbits are also found.) This animal looked about 3 feet long,
not including the tail - but it's hard to judge from a distance. Although
I could only see the top part of its body, it clearly was moving in
a catlike manner. In a few moments, it was gone.
I went out and checked the tracks and they looked like bobcat tracks
- at least, according to the books. They were more roundish than fox
or coyote tracks. And all of the other characteristics - stride length,
width of track, etc. - match that of the bobcat.
At the first place where I spotted this animal, I found a dead squirrel
that had been partially eaten. I may have interrupted a meal. I checked
again today and the squirrel was gone - but no more bobcat tracks.
Maybe an owl or hawk got it. |
February 12, 2004 |
I watched a male downy woodpecker
foraging on the trunks and branches of some maple trees. Usually,
they seem to do more foraging and less flying from tree to tree
than what I saw this time.
This woodpecker was moving up one trunk - or out one limb - without
seeming to find much. Then it would fly to a lower
on the next tree and proceeding upward again.
At one point, it started pecking away at one particular spot - making
a very noticeable hole in the tree. Then it went off foraging again.
I think it may have been testing out a potential nest site.
Downy woodpeckers begin their courtship period around this time of
year. During courtship, both the male and female may begin test excavations
on various trees. Eventually, a nesting tree is decided upon and serious
excavation begins. |
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