Silver-haired Bat

Silver-haired Bat

Silver-haired Bat
(Lasionycteris noctivagans)

Order:  Chiroptera
Family:  Vespertilionidae

Photo © Adamdv [CC NC 4.0]

Silver-haired Bat Information

Silver-haired Bat
Photo of silver-haired bat, distribution, habitat, roosting, hibernation, and range map. (From Bat Conservation International)

Silver-haired Bat
Photos, geographic range, physical characteristics, food habits, reproduction, behavior, habitat, and conservation information. (From Animal Diversity Web)

Silver-haired Bat
Description, range, habitat, food and feeding behavior, activity and movement, reproduction, predators, and social behavior. (From Adirondack Ecological Center)

Range in New England

The Silver-haired Bat is found throughout New England.