November 10, 2002 |
a whitetail doe browsing near my house yesterday - eating leaves from
a deciduous tree. With the snow cover we had then, there wasn't a
lot of food available for the deer.
Today, most of the snow has melted and the temperatures are more seasonable.
This will give the birds and mammals a better chance to fatten up
for the winter. |
November 9, 2002 |
I was out walking today, I heard the pecking of a woodpecker. And
there it was on a tree about 8 feet from me - a hairy
Usually, when I'm that close to a hairy woodpecker, it will go hide
on the other side of the tree. But this one didn't seem to notice
me at all. I stayed and watched for quite a while as it busily looked
for insects. |
Mike Danzenbaker
November 8, 2002 |
years when there's not much food available - or when there's early
snow cover, the black bear tends
to retreat to its den earlier than usual. At this point, it takes
the bear more energy to forage for food than the energy it gets
from the food. So denning up and slowing down its metabolism is
a good strategy.
I don't put out my birdfeeders when the bears are still roaming
around. But since there is already snow cover, I decided yesterday
to put one of them out.
This morning when I woke up there were two chickadees
on the railing of my balcony. One chickadee flew up and sat on the
edge of a window pane with a sunflower seed in its mouth. It looked
a me for a moment, then flew off.
It was so sweet to see - as if it were thanking me for putting out
the birdfeeder. More likely it was just being curious, which chickadees
tend to be. But I like my version of it better.
November 7, 2002 |
been hearing the blue jays the last couple
of mornings - and only in the morning. I hadn't heard them for a week
or so. I wonder why they come when they do.
I'm fascinated by the rhythm of the comings and goings of the different
birds, mammals, and other creatures.
of those rhythms have to do with |
© Don
DesJardin |
movements, defending of |
to enlarge |
avoiding predators, breeding, and
availability of food sources. But there seem to
be subtler rhythms that I can't yet fathom. |
November 6, 2002 |
got about six inches of snow last night. Think this is the fourth
time we've had snow this year - which is unusual. And, since there
are still leaves on some trees, those trees were really bowed over
and some limbs broke off.
Have been hearing the barred owl again
lately. Think I saw one fly away as I was coming up the driveway today
- but I didn't get a good enough look to be sure. |
November 5, 2002 |
never seen a flying squirrel. Most people haven't, since this mammal
is mainly nocturnal.
Sometimes I hear a little thump on the roof during the night and
wonder ... could it be a flying
They have been know to |
© David Blevins |
use roofs as landing points. |
to enlarge |
squirrels, like the southern
flying squirrel in this photo, do not actually fly but instead
glide through the air. They have a fold of skin between each arm and
leg which, when extended, becomes like a sail. They've been said to
glide distances of over 150 feet. |
November 4, 2002 |