American Black Bear
Photos, range, scientific classification, habitat, reproduction, behavior, lifespan, and food habits. (From Animal Diversity Web)
American Black Bear
Photo of black bear, habitat, life span, range, physical appearance, diet, reproduction and social behavior. (From National Geographic Animals)
American Black Bear
Photos of black bear, description, taxonomy and evolution, subspecies, distribution and population, habitat, behavior and life history, reproduction and development, longevity, hibernation, and diet. (From Wikipedia)
Female Black Bear with Cubs
Courtesy Garry Tucker/ USFWS
The Black Bear is found throughout Vermont and New Hampshire. Its range includes most of Maine and all but the easternmost portion of Massachusetts.
As of 2017, there have been sightings throughout Connecticut but more abundantly in the northwestern part of the state.
A small number of Black Bears have been seen in Rhode Island, but it is thought that there is not yet a resident population.
This bear's range is expanding in New England so its population will likely increase in Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts in the coming years.