October 11, 2003 |
two more flocks of geese fly by last
night around midnight - one right after the other.
The downy woodpecker has been
much more vocal over the past several weeks. I mostly hear its whinny-like
call. Have also seen it foraging in nearby trees. |
October 9, 2003 |
a beech leaf I found in the woods. Most beech leaves I've seen have
more uniform color than this one. They tend to turn yellow first,
then a reddish-yellow, and finally reddish-brown or just brown.
There were quite a few chipmunks
area where I saw this leaf - making
their "chip, chip, chip" sounds. I think they
were busy competing for the beech nuts on the ground. |
October 7, 2003 |
Nodding Ladies Tresses have been blooming for about 10 days. There
are also several species of asters still blooming, including the New
England Asters. Most of the goldenrod has gone to seed, tho' there
are still a few in bloom.
Saw a brown creeper this morning,
foraging on several maple trees near the house. This bird moves around
and up one tree until it reaches a certain point (usually not the
top). Then it flies to the bottom of another tree and starts over. |
October 5, 2003 |
this tiny waterfall in the woods. This brook often dries up in the
summer. But, since we had a very rainy spring and summer this year,
the brook is still flowing.
Brooks like this are an important source of water for the deer and
other animals. When this brook
dries up, the animals have to cross a road to
get to the next closest brook - a dangerous
situation for the animals and the drivers. |
October 3, 2003 |
three or four flocks of Canada Geese
fly by during the day. And two more flocks this evening - in the
past half hour.
There was an early flock that came by on Sept. 3rd, but haven't heard
any geese again until today - a whole month later. |
October 1, 2003 |
I was in the woods yesterday, I came upon two whitetail
bucks. For few moments, they both stood still. Then one of them
moved away.
The other buck stood for 10 minutes or so, just watching me. During
that time I managed to take a few photos |
without scaring it off. (Enlarge the photo
to get a better look.)
I expected that the buck would run sooner or later. Instead, after
it decided that I wasn't a threat, it put its head down and grazed
a bit and then just kind of wandered off. |
September 29, 2003 |
the past week or so, I've been hearing quite a few bird songs and
calls that I don't recognize. I'm guessing that these are from migrating
birds that are not resident or breeders in this area.
This morning I heard a "huff, huff, huff" kind of sound.
I thought it might a bear, since I had seen them recently. Then it
became apparent that the sound was coming from a nearby tree. The
"huffing" sound was interspersed with what was clearly a
bird's call. No luck in spotting the bird, but I sure would like to
know what it was. |
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