August 16, 2003 |
few early warblers have begun their journey south. In New England,
some American redstarts will
be seen leaving their breeding grounds around this time. Late August
through mid-September is usually the peak time to observe this warbler's
migration. If the recent period of wet weather continues, this may
cause some delay.
Other early migrants are the black-throated
green warbler and the black-and-white
warbler. |
August 14, 2003 |
some Spotted Touch-me-not the other day. This is a such a beautiful
wildflower! It's also known as Jewelweed, and the flowers do look
like little jewels.
Also blooming now are the Common Mullein, Bittersweet Nightshade,
and |
species of the mint family. The
Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea)
is about to bloom. |
August 12, 2003 |
there have been quite a few reports around Vermont of sightings of
"hummingbird moths." Some people may be speaking of the
Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe).
However, there are quite a few species of moths in this same family
(Sphingidae) that are found in Vermont. See this list of Moths
of Vermont from the USGS website.
Not to leave out our other New England states, here are lists of moths
found in New
Hampshire, Maine,
and Rhode
Island. The lists include links to photos and species accounts
for each moth. |
August 10, 2003 |
of Viceroy butterflies around these days! Found this one on a young
white pine tree.
The Viceroy enjoys the nectar of the goldenrod, joe-pye-weed, and
asters - as well as many other flowers. This butterfly can be distinguished
from |
Monarch butterfly by the black lines
across its hindwings. |
August 8, 2003 |
seen any whitetail deer recently.
But this morning, I noticed a deer's freshly-used bedding area in
some brambles near the house. I wonder if it was made by this
buck that has been frequenting the area around my house.
Later in the day, I saw a family of robins
ground-foraging in the open area behind my house. The juveniles were
recognizable by their spotted breasts. After a while, some of the
young birds flew around to the other side of the house and started
eating fruit from some bushes. |
August 6, 2003 |
is a wildflower that I've been having trouble identifying. I think
that it's a Steeplebush (Spiraea tomentosa), also known as
Hardhack. The leaves are whitish on the underside and the stem is
a reddish-brown.
The flower clusters on the Meadowsweet (Spiraea latifolia),
a woody shrub in the same family, are also beginning to open. |

A late-summer goldenrod started blooming recently, along with a very
light lavender aster.
(Hmmm... those goldenrods and asters are hard to name.)
Among other wildflowers that are still in bloom are the Black-eyed
Susan, Purple Clover, Yellow Clover, and a few Oxeye Daisies. |
August 4, 2003 |
were three wild turkeys behind the
house yesterday. And this afternoon I saw a female with at least 7
chicks. There were probably more but they all moved into the woods
before I finished counting! The chicks were about half the size of
their mother. |
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