Length: 14 - 17"
Habitat: Coniferous or mixed forests, forest edges, forest clearings. Edges of burned-over areas, clear-cuts, and open bogs. Prefers habitat near open areas for hunting.
Diet: Small mammals such as mice, lemmings, voles, squirrels, and hares; birds up to the size of grouse; some insects.
Northern Hawk Owl
Photo © Robert Royse
(Credit: U. S. Geological Survey)
Northern Hawk Owl
Year-round range
The Northern Hawk Owl is found year round in many parts of Canada and in all but northern and coastal Alaska.
This owl is found rarely and irregularly in New England. It wanders south to this area when prey is scarce in its normal range. There tend to be more of these sightings in northern New England than in the southern part of this region.
Northern Hawk Owl
Range Maps from Cornell
Northern Hawk Owl
year-round range
Includes separate map of sightings. By zooming in on this sightings map, one can see the areas where this owl has been spotted in New England.