Louisiana Waterthrush

Louisiana Waterthrush

Louisiana Waterthrush
(Parkesia motacilla)

Order:  Passeriformes
Family:  Parulidae

Photo © Robert Royse

Louisiana Waterthrush Information

Louisiana Waterthrush
Description, range, habitat, songs and calls, identification tips, and behavior. Includes photos, illustration with field marks, and range map. (From WhatBird.com)

Louisiana Waterthrush
Range, description, breeding, habitat, diet, and conservation status. Includes range map and photo. (From Wikipedia)

Louisiana Waterthrush
Range, habitat, physical description, reproduction, lifespan, behavior, communication, food habits, predation, and conservation status. Includes photos. (From Animal Diversity Web)

  Songs and calls of Louisiana Waterthrush

  Identification tips for Louisiana Waterthrush

Louisiana Waterthrush

Louisiana Waterthrush

By William H. Majoros [CC SA 3.0]

Breeding Bird Survey Map,

Louisiana Waterthrush Breeding Map

(Image credit: USGS)

Range in New England

In New England, the Louisiana Waterthrush is found breeding in southern Vermont, southern New Hampshire, far southern Maine, and the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

Winter Map from eBird

Sightings of the Louisiana Waterthrush from Dec-Jan over the past 10 years (2009-2019)