Hoary Bat

Hoary Bat

North American Hoary Bat
(Aeorestes cinereus)

Order:  Chiroptera
Family:  Vespertilionidae

Photo by Paul Cryan/USGS

Hoary Bat Information

Hoary Bat
Photos, description, habits, roosting, reproduction, and migration. (From Bat Conservation International)

Hoary Bat
Range, habitat, physical description, reproduction, lifespan, behavior, communication, food habits, predation, and conservation status. Includes photos. (From Animal Diversity Web)

Hoary Bat
Conservation and management, habitat, range, identification, and taxonomy. (From NY Natural Heritage Program)


Hoary Bat

Hoary Bat

© arttoday

Range in New England

The Hoary Bat is found throughout New England.

Sounds of the Hoary Bat

Audio slowed to 1/10th regular speed in order to be audible for human hearing.

Courtesy of Acoustic Atlas