Eastern Screech-Owl Information
Length: 8 - 10"
Habitat: Open deciduous or mixed woodlands, orchards, residential areas, parks. Prefers habitat near open areas and requires trees with existing cavities for nesting.
Diet: Insects, including moths, katydids, beetles, and crickets; rodents such as mice and voles; amphibians, reptiles, crayfish; some small birds and fish.
Songs and calls of the Eastern Screech-Owl
Interesting Facts about Eastern Screech-Owl
- Being only 8 to 10 inches in length, the Eastern Screech-Owl is close to the size of a robin, but a different shape.
- This owl normally uses natural tree cavities or old woodpecker holes for nesting, but will also use man-made nest boxes. It will eat in the nesting cavity and caches extra food there.
- The Eastern Screech-Owl is nocturnal and roosts during the daytime hours. In the winter, it uses tree cavities for roosting - for protection from predators and from the cold. In the summer, it can roost on tree branches where it is hidden by the leaf cover.
Additional Information
Eastern Screech-Owl
Habitat, diet, feeding behavior, nesting, migration, and conservation status of this owl. Includes range map, photos, and songs and calls. (From Audubon Field Guide)
Photo of Eastern Screech-Owl (Gray Phase)
By Mike Danzenbaker
Eastern Screech-Owl

By Bakersx3 [CC-BY-3.0], via WC
Eastern Screech-Owl
Identification Tips
- Wingspan: 22 inches
- Small, nocturnal, predatory bird
- Large, rounded head with ear tufts
- Yellow eyes
- Dense streaking on underparts with finer barring
- Some birds have rusty plumage, others dark gray
- Sexes similar
(Credit: U. S. Geological Survey)
Eastern Screech-Owl
Range Maps from Cornell
Eastern Screech-Owl
year-round range
Includes separate map of sightings.
Eastern Screech-Owl
Christmas Bird Count Map
Historical CBC Map from USGS