Length: 8 - 9"
Habitat: Open areas with scattered trees, forest edges, orchards, brushy edges of fields, roadsides; shrubby areas near streams, ponds, and lakes. Requires habitat with open spaces for flycatching and trees for nesting.
Diet: Mostly insects, including beetles, flies,
wasps, bees, and flying ants; also, wild fruits and berries.
Eastern Kingbird
(Credit: U. S. Geological Survey)
Breeding Bird Survey Map,
(Image credit: USGS)
Range in New England
The Eastern Kingbird breeds throughout New England. This bird winters in South America.
Breeding Range Map from eBird
Sightings of the Eastern Kingbird
May-July over past 10 years (2009-2019)
Christmas Bird Count Map
Historical CBC Map from USGS