Length: 14 - 20"
The Cooper's Hawk is found in deciduous, coniferous, and mixed woodlands, typically near open areas. It also uses habitats such as open woodlands, wooded edges of rivers, and occasionally urban areas.
The Cooper's Hawk preys mostly on small and medium-sized birds such as warblers, jays, and robins. Sometimes it takes larger birds such as ruffed grouse. Its diet also includes small mammals, including squirrels and chipmunks. Occasionally, it will eat amphibians, reptiles, and insects.
Cooper's Hawk
Photos, taxonomy, description, distribution and habitat, behavior, lifespan and conservation status. (From Wikipedia)
Cooper's Hawk in Flight
From Nature Photography by David Blevins.
Cooper's Hawk
© B. Kushner
(Credit: U. S. Geological Survey)
Cooper's Hawk
Breeding Bird Survey Map,
(Image credit: USGS)
Cooper's Hawk
Range Maps from Cornell
Cooper's Hawk breeding, year-round, and nonbreeding range
Includes separate map of sightings.
Cooper's Hawk
Christmas Bird Count Map
Historical CBC Map from USGS