Big Brown Bat

Big Brown Bat

Big Brown Bat
(Eptesicus fuscus)

Order:  Chiroptera
Family:  Vespertilionidae

Photo © Geoffrey Kuchera

Big Brown Bat Information

Big Brown Bat
Photos of big brown bat, geographic range, physical characteristics, food habits, reproduction, lifespan, behavior, habitat, and conservation information. (From Animal Diversity Web)

Big Brown Bat
Photo, description, diet, behavior, hibernation, reproduction, range, habitat, and conservation status. (From Wikipedia)

Big Brown Bat
Photos, description, habitat and range, diet, lifespan, reproduction, behavior and threats. (From U.S National Park Service)

Range in New England

The Big Brown Bat is found throughout New England.

Sounds of the Big Brown Bat

Audio slowed to 1/10th regular speed in order to be audible for human hearing.

Courtesy of Acoustic Atlas