May 4, 2003 |
been hearing and seeing the woodpeckers
a lot lately - the downy, the hairy, and the pileated woodpeckers.
Am also hearing more and more warblers.
Not seeing much of them, though. I see 'em flying around in the |
But, as usual, I'm finding it hard to spot them with my binoculars.
The black-throated green
warbler (above) is the one that I've been hearing the most. The
American redstart, yellow-rumped warbler, and black-throated blue
warbler are some of the others that I've heard singing lately. |
May 3, 2003 |
evening at dusk, I again heard the "peent, peent, peent..."
call of a woodcock. But, instead
of coming from the east as it had previously, the sound was coming
from the north.
Not sure if it's the same woodcock or a different one. Maybe I still
have a chance to see its courtship flight. |
May 2, 2003 |
a group of new seedlings I found in an open area in the woods. The
whole patch is only about 3 1/2 inches long by about 2 inches wide.
I've never noticed seedlings like this before, so I'm going to keep
an eye on them and see out what they turn out |
be. I think they might be field bindweeds,
which are common in the Northeast. |
May 1, 2003 |
red maple trees are flowering and the leaves are beginning to pop
out on the sugar maple trees.
Oaks and beeches will start leafing out soon. Ash trees tend to be
among the latest to leaf out. |
April 30, 2003 |
chipmunks have been getting a
little more active lately. They've started their usual routine of
chasing each other around in the woods. As spring changes to summer,
they tend to become even more territorial.
chipmunk's call is also changing. Sometimes I hear the "chuck,
chuck..." call. But at other times, I hear the
"chip, chip, chip..." call. |
April 29, 2003 |
warbler sightings in New England include
the black-throated green warbler, yellow warbler, worm-eating warbler,
and black-throated blue warbler -- among others.
The peak of the warbler migration usually occurs in the first few
weeks of May. I'm already hearing quite a few warblers around this
area - but have not yet heard some of the species that have been spotted
in southern New England. |
April 28, 2003 |
bloodroot has been blooming for about a week now. The flower of
this plant opens during the day and closes at night.
This wildflower prefers rich soil and is often found along brooks.
The juice from the stem of this plant can be used as a natural dye
for fabrics.
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