- Conical bill
- Brown crown with gray central stripe
- Gray face and supercilium
- Eye ring
- Brown streak extends behind eye
- Thick malar streak bordered by white throat and buff
submustachial stripe
- Olive back with darker streaks
- Brownish-olive wings
- Buffy breast and flanks with fine streaks
- White belly
- Thin, rounded tail
- Sexes similar
- Juvenile (Summer) similar to adult but is buffier
The Song Sparrow can be told from
the Lincoln's Sparrow by its larger bill, heavier streaking on the
breast and flanks, lack of buffy color on the breast and face, brown
back, larger size and longer tail.
Juvenile Lincoln's Sparrows are very similar to juvenile Swamp
and Song Sparrow. Savannah
Sparrow is similar but has a yellowish supercilium and lacks
a buffy breast. Swamp Sparrow has a rusty crown, rusty wings and
much less streaking on the breast.