Nature Journal
with Photos

Black-billed Cuckoo Identification Tips
(Credit: U. S. Geological Survey)
General Information
- Sexes similar
- Slender, long-tailed bird
- Black bill

- Red orbital ring
- Cold brown head, nape, back, upperwings, and   uppertail
- White chin, foreneck, breast and belly
- Tail is gray below with very narrow white tips to tail

- Yellow orbital ring
- Brown head, nape, back, upperwings and uppertail,
  with pale tips to wing coverts
- White chin, foreneck, breast and belly suffused with
  pale buff
- Tail is gray below with very narrow buff tips to tail

Similar species
Adult Yellow-billed Cuckoo has yellow-based bill and cinnamon primaries in all plumages, and larger white tail spots below. Juvenile Yellow-billed Cuckoos can be black-billed and can have small tail spots and are best identified by primary pattern. Mangrove Cuckoo has yellow-based bill, black mask, buff breast and larger white tail spots below.
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