House Finch Identification Tips
(Credit: U. S. Geological Survey)
General Information
- Conical bill
- Long tail
- Distinctive call note often given in flight

- Red forehead, supercilium, breast and rump
- Streaked belly and undertail coverts
- Brown wings and tail
- Immature male resembles female

- Plainer face than Purple and Cassin's Finch
- Heavily streaked underparts
- Brown upperparts

Similar species
The male House Finch can be told from Cassin's and Purple Finches by its streaked belly, browner back and nape, longer unforked tail and different call notes. Female House Finches have much plainer faces than the other finches.

Pine Siskins are smaller with yellow patches in the wings and tail. Sparrows typically have more distinctive face patterns.
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